Discover our range of luxury, boutique and best available accommodation in the Coromandel. From boutique luxury lodges in the heart of the Coromandel and exclusive retreats to comfortable lodgings and hotels. Compliment your travels by staying in the best accommodation in the Coromandel, handpicked by us, here at Onlyluxe Travel.
970 Lonely Bay Lodge
close970 Lonely Bay Lodge is a boutique lodge offering luxury accommodation in the heart of the Coromandel Peninsula on New Zealand’s magnificent North Island. Surrounded by New Zealand native bush the property sits just moments from pristine Cooks beach and within easy reach of famous sights such as Shakespeare Reserve, Hot Water Beach, Cathedral Cove and Mercury Bay. The Coromandel, with its pristine beaches, native forests and laid-back vibe, is one of New Zealand's most popular and best-loved holiday destinations. The lodge provides the perfect base to discover the absolute best of this unspoiled coastal paradise.
* The accommodation rating and pricing is a guide only, reviewed by Onlyluxe Travel Experts. Please note that pricing can change at any time. Please contact us for exact pricing and more information.
Whitianga, New Zealand970 Lonely Bay Lodge is a boutique lodge offering luxury accommodation in the heart of the Coromandel Peninsula on New Zealand’s magnificent North Island. ...+ MoreFrom $416.05View Details